Singing Guide: Jack Garratt

Singing Guide: Jack Garratt

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

If you want to learn how to sing like Jack Garratt, it's important to familiarize yourself with his unique vocal technique and the songs that showcase it. Garratt is known for his distinctive falsetto voice and his integration of electronic music into his performances. Here are some practical steps you can take to learn how to sing like him:

  1. Analyze your own voice: Before you start trying to emulate Garratt's vocal style, it's important to understand your own vocal range. Use Singing Carrot's vocal range test to determine your range and compare it with Garratt's range.

  2. Work on your falsetto voice: Garratt's unique tone comes from his falsetto voice. Singing Carrot's pitch accuracy test can help you work on your falsetto technique.

  3. Practice breath control: Garratt's music often requires long sustained notes, so it's important to have good breath control. Check out Singing Carrot's article on breath support to help improve your breath control.

  4. Master the mix voice: Garratt's vocal technique often blends chest voice and head voice into a "mix voice." Singing Carrot's pitch training exercises can be particularly useful in practicing this technique.

  5. Learn Garratt's songs: Once you have developed your vocal technique, practice singing some of Garratt's songs. "Worry", "Weathered" and "Fire" are particularly good songs to showcase his vocal style.

In addition to the above tips, you can also incorporate Singing Carrot's resources, such as the song search and artist vocal ranges to help you find other songs that are suitable for your vocal range and style preference. Don't forget to practice regularly and work on your own unique style while learning from Jack Garratt's style.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.